Thursday, April 1, 2010

Kursk Submarine
This submarine was named after the Russian city, Kursk. It is 154m in length and four storeys high. Despite its appearance, why did it sink? A chemical explosion happened but after that, a bigger one ripped through the submarine. Seismic data show that the explosion occured at the same depth as the sea bed, so the submarine could have collided with the sea floor. Water rushed into some compartments of the submarine at 90 000l/s but each compartment could only withstand depths of 1000m, killing all men in there. As a result, the submarine sank. Forensic examinations revealed that the men who survived the 2 explosions gathered in a compartment which contained a secondary escape tunnel. Instead of escaping the hatch which was not known whether it could be worked from the inside, they preferred to wait for submarine rescue ships. However, there was a fire which rapidly used up oxygen, causing death to the remaining survivals.

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